An update.

Okay, so I haven’t actually been in the writing ‘zone’ recently. I’ve been distracted with other stuff and I’ve not spent much time writing. I know, I’ve posted about writing being work, but I haven’t fully grasped that concept yet. Writing without inspiration is still new to me. It’s like trying to squeeze that last bit of toothpaste out of the tube, it’s hard and you achieve very little. (the analogy stops here, haha) I know the benefits will be there later, but it’s hard to just get past the “what I’m writing right now is junk, why am I writing it? It’s junk.” stage and push through until I finally achieve something that I think is mediocre at the time. That has to be dealt with though if I’m going to be a writer. It’s a discipline that I have to learn and you don’t go forward without discipline.

On another topic, if you want more updates on my book(s) other than that just provided on this blog, you can follow me on twitter at jeremiahkinn. Feel free to tweet me at anytime. If you don’t have a twitter, then you can just see my little tweet feed over to the right of the screen and follow me from there.

One last thing. Go on and head over to an author friend’s blog ( as she is fairly new to the blogging world and would appreciate any page views you just drop her way. Check out her posts and read about her book which is being released nationwide in September of this year.

Until later,

EDIT: My bad, I forgot to add the link to Vivian’s site. It’s there now.

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