It’s March now. Do you know what that means? Well, nothing in particular I guess. But here is another update.

     As my twitter feed over to the right shows, some of my time has been used in working on my second project. This project is named in my notes and in my head, but I have not officially stated it’s title here yet. Do not fear though, for the closer it moves towards compleation, the more information you will likely hear from me.

     Onto other news. Borders has filed for, if I remember correctly, chapter 11 bankruptcy. I know this is sort of old news, but goodbye, many Borders stores…

     Well, there’s not much else to talk about. I am still outlining my first book, C.P.A.L, but other than that, not much has gone on in the writing front.

     Until later,

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Hello blog readers. I haven’t posted in a bit, but if you’ve been seeing my twitter feed, then you’ll know that I’ve been working on my book a fair amount these past few days. Right now I am currently spending much of my writing time outlining my next few chapters. I began outlining, but then I was stumped and sort of made up my own way, which was just writing down the ideas of what I wanted to add in chronological order. It’s not the most organized way, but it’s working so far.

I was talking to Vivian Campbell ( just yesterday and she was telling me the importance of the first sentence. It has to grip the reader. Well, hopefully I’ve got that. 🙂

By the way, due to some weird reasons, Ms. Campbell’s book’s publish date has been extended to January of 2012, instead of September of this year. That’s not the ideal date, but God will work it out 🙂

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An update.

Okay, so I haven’t actually been in the writing ‘zone’ recently. I’ve been distracted with other stuff and I’ve not spent much time writing. I know, I’ve posted about writing being work, but I haven’t fully grasped that concept yet. Writing without inspiration is still new to me. It’s like trying to squeeze that last bit of toothpaste out of the tube, it’s hard and you achieve very little. (the analogy stops here, haha) I know the benefits will be there later, but it’s hard to just get past the “what I’m writing right now is junk, why am I writing it? It’s junk.” stage and push through until I finally achieve something that I think is mediocre at the time. That has to be dealt with though if I’m going to be a writer. It’s a discipline that I have to learn and you don’t go forward without discipline.

On another topic, if you want more updates on my book(s) other than that just provided on this blog, you can follow me on twitter at jeremiahkinn. Feel free to tweet me at anytime. If you don’t have a twitter, then you can just see my little tweet feed over to the right of the screen and follow me from there.

One last thing. Go on and head over to an author friend’s blog ( as she is fairly new to the blogging world and would appreciate any page views you just drop her way. Check out her posts and read about her book which is being released nationwide in September of this year.

Until later,

EDIT: My bad, I forgot to add the link to Vivian’s site. It’s there now.

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Just a little update.

So, I haven’t been doing much with my book, but I have drawn some visuals for it. That helps.

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Writing is work…

The more I read Writer’s Digest the more I come across things that say something along the lines of sitting down to write… and writing, not just when there is a muse, but you have to write it out, painstakingly, even if it doesn’t want to come out. Now, the other day, I wrote up a little bit of chapter 9. I decided on a way to start the chapter off, and began writing, not because I had the most brilliant idea ever, but because I wanted to begin the chapter, though I didn’t have the inspiration. It was mediocre work. But I went back to it today, and I was actually rather surprised at how good it was. I mean, not to toot my own horn, but one of my major goals in writing is to engage the reader, and I was engaged. So, I felt good about my work, which was written not by inspiration, but by needing to get it done. That’s good. I can store that little piece of first-hand experience in my memory so that when I have a blinking text-entry point sitting before me, waiting for a novel to leave behind in its wake, I can recall how that even without inspiration, the quality was there. This talent is from God, and God alone. :).

Until later,

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Bulk of chapter eight is done.

Alright guys, I know it’s been a while since my last post, but I’m back. Now what has gone on since November is the composing of the bulk of the eighth chapter. I recently learned that your story isn’t out of the “first draft” stage until the ending has been written. (I at least say it that way because I like to write chapter by chapter, as you’ve probably noticed) So, by “bulk” I mean that I have the eighth chapter written up and definitely needs some refining when the first draft is complete.

I actually haven’t spent much time on my book within the past week or so, because of a simple, yet addicting game called Minecraft. I need to spend more time writing, though. Although, I have read/listened to on audiobook “Pride and Prejudice”, for my British Lit. class. It was very good, and the humor is just great. Also, just tonight I’ve started “A Tale of Two Cities”. I am going to just say something about that book: Chapter 3 and there’s already living dead people? Haha, wow.

I actually had a dream recently about meeting J.K. Rowling, the author of Harry Potter (It didn’t even look like her, but in my dream’s reality, that was her.) I kinda laugh a little, she was annoyed when I approached her, and then I began telling her about my series, and how I would just love it if she read it and gave me some advice. In the end, she did seem pretty interested in our conversation, her countenance having changed throughout the discourse. But, alas, she was stopped by some important people and began talking with them. I waited, but left after a little bit, thinking that I’ll contact her soon, and tell her who I am and that she’d remember me.

Anyway, a peak inside my head. I’m done for now though.

Until later,

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So as I mentioned in my last post, I have the bulk of the seventh chapter written up. With that, I’ve begun writing chapter eight and already have some started. But, what is new is that I’ve actually begun preparing for the chapters thereafter and am able to keep things in motion for a few chapters, like little sub-plots, or not even that maybe a reference; Like my character would mention something, and I’d revisit that in a later chapter. By making these notes it will be more of a realistic story. 🙂

Also, I am increasing my vocabulary by finally getting to about 4-5 years worth of “A.Word.A.Day” emails. I have a LOT to go through, but it’ll be worth it. And I am increasing the amount of words that I know and can sound less and less ignorant. (That kind of goes along with it, but still that’s pretty cool) 🙂

Writing Tip: Carry a notebook around with you, and jot down any idea that comes to mind, snippets of conversation, or physical and emotional traits which you come across (just, don’t copy someone who is alive or dead because that’s… weird.), feelings, places, and hundreds of other things will also help you. 🙂

More to come,

’till next time.

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(bulk of) Chapter 7 finished.

-Well, I have some news. A few days ago I finished the bulk of chapter seven. There are over 7,000 words in it and it’s most likely my longest, and definitely has more dialogue than the others before it.

-I am also working on a timeline for my plot. Hopefully if I do it right I’ll be able to incorporate some more real-ness imbedded into it.

-Whereas the first six chapters have explained a lot, this chapter is really the one in which the mystery begins. In future chapters there will be action, mystery, and some uncovered truths about what is really going on.

Hope you await it, =)

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Does anyone else who writes dialogue feel like it’s fragile? Every response holds onto the statement or question sometime before it. What if an editor doesn’t like a scene? If everything is intricately woven, so if it is taken out there are loose ends attached to other scenes. Until you get behind the page you don’t know how delicate a conversation is… Thoughts?

Until later,

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One sentence summery.

     I found one day on the internet a site which was crucial in how I discovered what the plot for my first book would be. This site tells you about the snowflake method for writing. I used some of the method and I was able to come up with a one sentence summery of my first book in the series. Here it is, I hope this intrigues you 🙂

A boy is accepted into a school, but even before the classes start, a mysterious someone is helping him uncover what the school really is.

It sounds standard, but that’a because it’s the first book boiled down to one sentence 😛 For more of a look at the book, see my previous blog post for an excerpt from chapter 7.

‘Till later,

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