
So as I mentioned in my last post, I have the bulk of the seventh chapter written up. With that, I’ve begun writing chapter eight and already have some started. But, what is new is that I’ve actually begun preparing for the chapters thereafter and am able to keep things in motion for a few chapters, like little sub-plots, or not even that maybe a reference; Like my character would mention something, and I’d revisit that in a later chapter. By making these notes it will be more of a realistic story. 🙂

Also, I am increasing my vocabulary by finally getting to about 4-5 years worth of “A.Word.A.Day” emails. I have a LOT to go through, but it’ll be worth it. And I am increasing the amount of words that I know and can sound less and less ignorant. (That kind of goes along with it, but still that’s pretty cool) 🙂

Writing Tip: Carry a notebook around with you, and jot down any idea that comes to mind, snippets of conversation, or physical and emotional traits which you come across (just, don’t copy someone who is alive or dead because that’s… weird.), feelings, places, and hundreds of other things will also help you. 🙂

More to come,

’till next time.

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